Step 1:Select a topic of interest or business problem relevant to your degree. Although it is not mandatory, it is recommendable to choose a topic that you are likely to pursue for your dissertation (you may change your mind later, but it will be to your advantage if you stick to it, so choose carefully).
Step 2:Foryourchosentopic,identifyrelevantliteratureand findatleastfourorfiveacademicjournals thatpublishliteratureinthisfield.Youshouldusekeywords ortermstosearchforthemost relevantarticlesinthesejournalsonyourtopicandidentifythekey authorsbycomparingthe cited references across these papers.
Step 3:Present your analysis within a report containing the following elements as detailed below:
An introduction that provides a brief commentary of your research topic and why this is of interest, citing relevant literature.
A further section discussing particular conversations taking place in the relevant jour-Page | 3
Module OutlineAcademic Year 2017-2018
nals you have selected with a map of the literature using a visual presentation in the formofeithera mindmaporaVenndiagram.
A detailed analysis and critique of the research methods used in one of the journal arti- cles you have selected. Discuss a) how they are applied; b) how the methods were de- ployed to provide a worthwhile contribution to theory and research and c) what gaps the methods may leave that could lend the area to further analysis.
A bibliography containing a minimum of 8 references (using Harvard Referencing Style Guide).
Yourreportshouldnotexceed2,500words (excludingreferences).