Assessment Task 2: Accident Investigation Report
Option 1: Use the Five-why’s method and Reason’s Swiss Cheese Model to investigate the same accident of your choosing (either from your workplace or one that is available to you in the public domain). Critically compare and contrast both approaches based on your investigation and decide which approach, in your professional opinion, provides the better explanation of the accident and the better opportunity for organizational learning and why. Your report must also discuss common biases investigators may bring to an accident investigation and contemporary accident investigation principles that minimize these biases.
Option 2: Use your organization’s accident investigation method and Reason’s Swiss Cheese Model to investigate the same accident in your workplace. Critically compare and contrast both approaches based on your investigation. Your report must discuss common biases investigators may bring to an accident investigation and contemporary accident investigation principles that minimize these biases.
Make recommendations that would improve your organization’s approach to accident investigation
Word Length: 2,000 words (+/- 10%)
Minimum number of references: 5