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Are you going to coach inside organizations

Module 2- Welcome to Mod 2, How to Write Assignments, & Academic Honesty How to Write Your Case Studies and SLPs Assignments! URGENT

10 / 28 / 2019

Module 2- Welcome to Mod 2, How to Write Assignments, & Academic Honesty

How to Write Your Case Studies and SLPs Assignments! URGENT

Click on the link below. You’ll be able to access the checklists to find out how you should write the Case Study and SLP for each week in a folder. You are required to include the checklist at the end of each assignment. The checklists are in Microsoft Word Format.

The checklists make your work easier because they tell you how to structure your paper, what topics to address, and how you will be assessed.
Welcome to Module 2 LED514!
In this unit, we will:
•Plan and conduct a live coaching session assessing current reality and setting SMART goals.
•Continue developing a Leadership Growth Plan by constructing a personal vision statement.
•Explore ethical dilemmas in coaching.
Here are some questions for you to think about to help you be successful:
1.As a coach, how you will you continue your professional development? Lifelong learning is important. What are your SMART goals? Why is it important for the coach to have goals as clients need goals?
2.Are you going to coach inside organizations? If so, how will you balance the coaching relationship confidentiality with ethical reporting requirements from the organization?
complete your course.
Module 2 – Home
Conducting GROW Sessions – The GROW Model
Modular Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this module, the student will be able to satisfy the following outcomes:
•Case ◦Plan and conduct a live coaching session assessing current reality and setting SMART goals.
•SLP ◦Continue developing a Leadership Growth Plan by constructing a personal vision statement.
•Discussion ◦Explore ethical dilemmas in coaching.
Module Overview
The practice of coaching has its roots in psychology, and therefore, many of its models are based on psychotherapy. There are many models that are used in coaching. Though they are all quite similar in goals, they differ in approach. Each has advantages and disadvantages depending on the situation and outcomes desired from the coaching sessions.
Solution-focused coaching: This model emphasizes finding a simple, fast, and solution-focused approach to coaching. The emphasis is not so much of analyzing the problem as on finding a self-directed course toward solution. Read more about the advantages of this model of coaching:
Solutions-focused coaching is a powerful approach. (n.d.). Personal Coaching Information. Retrieved from
Cognitive behavioral coaching: This model strives to help coachees recognize their own abilities to achieve their work and life goals. This is not likely to happen when a goal-oriented coaching model solely stresses the fulfillment of an action plan. Instead, the coaching sessions focus on building self-efficacy, the belief that one has the capacity to successfully solve their own problems. The coach works with the coachee to develop confidence and eliminate self-defeating attitudes, exhibit productive behaviors, and manage emotions more effectively. This approach works best with individuals who are being held back by a lack of confidence and are willing to engage in introspection, and is best provided by professionally trained psychologists/coaches.
CBT has also been used to develop leaders by enhancing their ability to adapt to changing contexts:
Good, D., Yeganeh, B., & Yeganeh, R. (2010) Cognitive behavioral executive coaching: A structure for increasing leader flexibility. Retrieved from
NLP coaching: NLP stands for “neuro-linguistic programming.” This model of coaching rests on the premise that there are “models” of excellence and that by replicating them, we can improve performance. NLP works best when coachees are uncertain about what they want or how to get there. By developing a picture of what is possible, the coachee may be able to identify and chart a direction. The characteristics of the coach are also important. NLP will not be successful if the coach is not open to alternate ways of being successful, who have a “one right way” mentality are not likely to be open to an NLP approach. Read more about NLP:
Smith, R. (2012). NLP (neurolinguistic programming). Business Balls. Retrieved from
Transpersonal coaching: This relatively new coaching model maintains that, just as IQ measures intelligence and EQ measures emotional maturity, SQ (spiritual intelligence) is necessary to understand the connection between the self and one’s deeper purpose. Furthermore, an understanding of one’s deeper purpose is necessary to achieving one’s full potential. Achieving a high SQ allows individuals, and especially leaders, to identify what is really important to them and how they can best contribute to the organization.
Transpersonal coaching works best with life and career issues that require personal development and purpose, such as achieving work/life balance.
Sparrow, S. (2007). The benefits of transpersonal coaching. Personnel Today. Retrieved from
Appreciative coaching: This approach to coaching focuses on “what is working” as a basis from which to launch personal and professional growth. Appreciative coaching is oriented not toward fixing what is wrong but toward discovering what is allowing people to thrive and flourish. The coachee is not viewed as lacking or deficient, or needing to be “fixed”. Rather the coachee is seen as a partner with the coach in an endeavor where they are the catalysts of their own change.
Bushe, G. R. (2013). The appreciative inquiry model. In E. H. Kessler (ed.). Encyclopedia of Management Theory. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. Retrieved from
Integrative coaching: This is a model that has been designed exclusively for executive coaching. It is a complex and long-term approach that integrates a number of characteristics of the previous models.
It is much too complex to describe in a thumbnail sketch; however, you can read about it in the following article:
Hatala, L. M. (2013). Integrative coaching: The 5 P model, Lessons on the Path 2(9). Retrieved from
Module 2 – Background
Conducting GROW Sessions – The GROW Model
All articles on the Home page, this page, and the Case/SLP pages are required unless otherwise noted.
In the living case for this course, we are following an abbreviated model of coaching known as the GROW model. GROW stands for: goals; reality; options; and way forward. In this module, we will look at each of these stages more deeply.
The GROW model focuses on behavior and behavioral change. Unlike many of the models described on the home page of this module, this is the model that is best suited for leaders who are not trained psychologists or coaches.
Conducting Coaching sessions: The GROW Model
Performance Coaching Read Section 23 (pages 149-154) of: Wilson, C. (2014). Performance coaching: A complete guide to best practice coaching and training. London: Kogan Page.
Goals: First stage of the GROW model
In this first stage, the object is to identify the behavior you want to change, and then state this behavior as a goal. Use the principles of SMART goals at this stage (see Module 1 under coaching skills and this module’s SLP).
Reality: Second stage of the GROW model
The object of this stage is to establish the present reality of the coachee and the situation. Ask questions that invite self-assessment and provide honest non-judgmental feedback.
1. Self-assessment: The purpose is to determine what the problem is, what is behind it, what the coachee can resolve, if this is an accurate picture of reality.
◦Asking “What do you think is going on?” frames the problem in the coachee’s terms – not your interpretation of the problem.
◦Asking “How often does this happen?” “Under what circumstances does this happen?” or simply “When does this happen?” will encourage detailed description.
◦Asking “What other problems are there?” may reveal broader patterns.
◦Avoid “How” and “Why” questions (you only want the facts).
◦Avoid negative criticisms.
◦Keep the conversation on track. (Do not allow the coachee to go off on tangents about things that cannot be changed.)
◦Pay attention and use active listening skills. (see Module 1)
2.Offer specific feedback: Be positive and emphasize what can be done to improve the situation. Support your feedback with specific examples.
◦Reinforce desired behaviors.
◦Be objective and describe unwanted behavior. Do not evaluate it or use critical or negative language.
◦Base your feedback on what you personally observe – not hearsay. For example, a 360-degree review might say, “Susan is not a very good supervisor.” That is an impression. The coach wants to identify behaviors that contribute to poor supervision. For example: “Susan doesn’t hold regular staff meetings with her direct reports to keep them apprised of departmental plans and procedures.” Under this scenario, the coach can focus on changing actual behaviors that will result in improved supervisory performance.
3.Avoid assumptions: Make sure you are being impartial and accurately assessing the coachee’s skills, experience, and motivation. Do not let any personal biases regarding the coachee’s age, gender, ethnicity, personality, or style influence your assessment.
◦By the same token, help identify assumptions the coachee makes about you or others. Help the coachee see that assumptions can impede his ability to work effectively with others.
◦The surest way to reduce the effects of assumptions is to ask questions that challenge them. If you find yourself assuming your coachee is inexperienced, ask about job history and prior assignments. If you are inclined to assume the coachee does not like a certain aspect of the job, ask.
Options: Third stage in the GROW model
In this stage, you want to work with the coachee to brainstorm all options. Consider the pros and cons, the long and short term. As with any brainstorming, you do not want to censor any ideas, but do weigh the options and list them in order of potential to solve the problem. Your role is to challenge the coachee to not take the easy option – but the one with the greatest potential. You can offer your own knowledge and experience, but do not lead the coachee to make any particular choice.
You can influence the coachee by asking the following types of questions:
•What haven’t you tried yet? What else could you possibly try?
•What if one or more of the constraints or barriers were removed?
•What ideas can you bring in from past successes? What worked before?
Finally, ensure a decision is made: If you get stuck, return to the Goals. Do not make the decision for the coachee – the goal is to empower the coachee to make the decision. However, do not support a completely unworkable idea. Revisit the pros and cons and the other options:
•Will this address your goal?
• How likely is this option to succeed?
• Which would give the best result?
• Which option do you feel most strongly about and why?
Wrap-up: Fourth (last) stage in the GROW model
In any coaching session, you want to leave the coachee motivated. Following are critical activities in this stage:
•Commitment to action – You can increase commitment by emphasizing the benefits they will receive. A desire for what will be gained can be a powerful motivator to follow through.
•Identify any obstacles – Be realistic. Examine any possible downsides of the option and get the coachee to think about them in terms of challenges to be met. Dealing with the obstacles often forms the basis of the action plan.
•Create an Action Plan – This can be as simple as a list of actions to undertake, or a full-fledged project plan. Whatever form it takes, be sure it includes deadlines, which will help establish accountability and keep the coachee motivated and on track.
•Provide necessary support – You and your coachee need to agree on the type and amount of support needed for success. Will the coachee need continuing long- or short-term coaching support, additional training, or development assistance, or resources such as time, staff, or money?
Some questions to help coachees through the wrap-up stage of the GROW model:
•How committed are you? On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your level of commitment to these agreed-upon actions?
•What could stop you from moving forward? What obstacles could interfere with this plan?
•How will you overcome the obstacles you have identified? How likely are you to succeed in overcoming them?
•On what date will you complete each of your tasks?
•How will you feel if you achieve success in meeting all the action items?
•How can I help you move forward?
If you need another resource describing the GROW model, visit the following sites:
The GROW model. (2015). Retrieved from
De Flander, J. (26 January 2017). GROW coaching model: 56 great coaching questions! Jeroen De Flander. Retrieved from
To see what a GROW coaching session would look like, view the following video (seven minutes):
Wilkinson, D. (n.d.) The GROW model in action. Retrieved from
Finally, the majority of the resources in this module have given examples of questions you can ask to facilitate each stage of the coaching session. The following four-minute video offers some more examples. All of these will be helpful when you are planning your coaching session in the SLP.
Heath, M. (2013) Coaching and the GROW model. Retrieved from
All information above is background data and videos needed to support the paper and references. This is the 1st assignment.
Module 2 – Case
Conducting GROW Sessions – The GROW Model
Assignment Overview
Setting Goals
The purpose of the Case Assignment is to create a “Live Case” by experiencing the process of coaching. Because this case is designed around experiential learning, we can go beyond the conceptual knowledge covered in the reading materials to actual skills building. This requires putting what you are learning into immediate practice.
In this second module, you will be working with your coachee to choose a problem to work on or a behavior that your coachee would like to change. Drawing on the background reading for Modules 1 and 2, you will plan and carry out a coaching session that involves stages G and R of the GROW model. There is a comprehensive explanation of the GROW model on the background page. Here is a shorter synopsis:
The GROW model: A simple process for coaching and mentoring. (2014). Mind Tools. Retrieved from
The structure of the Live Case (As a reminder, each case involves three separate activities.)
Each module will follow this cycle: Plan, execute, report
•Before the coaching session, write up a plan using course readings or additional research as a resource (1-2 pages).
•Then meet with the coachee and use your plan as a guide for the session.
•The bulk of the report is on how the session went, including successes and failures. What would you do differently next time? (3 to 5 pages).
What are your goals for the session?
What actions do you plan?
How will you know if you are successful?
(1-2 pages).
-Meet with coachee (45-50 minutes).
-Report on the session.
-Provide a narrative descriptive summary of the conversation as it occurred (1 or 2 paragraphs).
-How do you feel the session went?
-Analyze the process and outcomes of your coaching.
-What new knowledge did you gain?
-What would you do differently next time?
-Case Assignment
In this module, you will be focusing on helping guide your coachee through the G and R phases of the Grow model. To further prepare for this case, read Chapter 5 entitled “Contracting and Goal-Setting” on pages 61-72 of the following text:
Book Jacket
“Cook, S. (2009). Coaching for High Performance: How to Develop Exceptional Results Through Coaching. Norwood, Mass: IT Governance Publishing. Retrieved from EBSCO – eBook Collection.”
•Choose a problem/issue/behavior that you would like to change and that can be dealt with in an appropriate time frame (8 weeks).
•Set SMART goals (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time sensitive).
•Examine the current reality.
•Write up this meeting as indicated in the Keys to the Assignment, below.
•Turn in your 4- to 6-page paper to TLC by the due date.
-Keys to the Assignment
1.After reading the background materials for this module and doing additional research if needed, prepare your pre-coaching plan for a 45-50 minute session:
◦What are your goals for this session? How will you know if you are successful?
◦What skills will you use?
◦How will you go about doing this?
◦What questions will you ask?
2.Conduct your coaching session (45 to 50 minutes).
3.Write up your post-coaching reflection.
◦Report the facts of the coaching session.
◦What went well and what did not?
◦What did you learn about coaching from this session?
◦What would you do differently next time?
Assignment Expectations
•Include a cover page and reference page in addition to the 4 – 5 pages of analysis described above.
•Your paper should have an introduction and a conclusion.
•Use headings to indicate major sections of the report.
•Cite and reference any outside sources.
•Use APA formatting.
•Proofread and edit your papers carefully. The expectation is zero errors.
Module 2 – SLP
Conducting GROW Sessions – The GROW Model
Developing a vision statement
In Module 1, you began the process of the Leadership Growth Plan with a thorough self-assessment. Then you identified and prioritized your most important values and motivators and explored your basic leadership style. In this module, you will establish your vision and determine what you need to do to become the kind of leader that other people will follow. The path to leadership will contain obstacles. To deal with obstacles, determine the sacrifices you are willing to make, identify hidden opportunities, and divide the problem into manageable pieces.
-Keys to the Assignment
-The following instructions are adapted from Project Kaleidoscope.
-Write your vision (1-2 pages)
-Imagine it is 10 years into the future. You feel that you have achieved your potential and become the leader you have always wanted to be.
-Write a story to describe your vision of yourself.
-Do not get hung up on past accomplishments and future plans, and do not worry about barriers. Use some of these questions to guide your thinking:
•What is your typical day like?
•Who do you interact with?
•What are you thinking about?
•What are you feeling?
•What skills do you possess?
-While you are dreaming, think about your legacy.
-Imagine yourself at the end of your career.
-What do you want people to say about you after you are gone?
-How must you start living now in order for that to happen?
-When you have finished writing your story, summarize the vision so it is easy to remember.
-Think of something or someone that symbolizes it. This summary should be no longer than three or four sentences and should be denoted in the paper by a separate heading. Keeping your personal vision in mind is highly motivating.
Identify obstacles (1-2 pages)
-Internal obstacles are thoughts, opinions, and beliefs that can prevent you from moving forward.
– External obstacles are situations or conditions outside of yourself that can prevent you from achieving your goals. -Make a chart comparing the internal and external barriers you see as standing in the way of achieving your vision.
Nearly all internal barriers are within your control. The barriers outside of your control are largely external. These are things you have no influence over. It is fruitless to fret over barriers you cannot control. Focus on the ones you have some control over.
There are three proven techniques for dealing with obstacles:
•Decide what you are willing to give up in order to eliminate the obstacle.
•Identify hidden opportunities or strategies that could help you face the obstacle.
•Chunk the problem into manageable pieces, so you can deal with each smaller piece separately. You could also compromise. This would enable you to accomplish two seemingly independent tasks or goals at once.
How will you overcome your obstacles?
SLP Assignment Expectations
•Include a cover page and reference page in addition to the 2-3 pages of analysis described above.
•Your paper should have an introduction and a conclusion.
•Use headings to indicate major sections of the report.
•Cite and reference any outside sources.
•Use APA formatting.
•Proofread and edit your papers carefully. The expectation is zero errors

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