CSCI672 Exam Name: 1. For the given DFA, answer the following questions. a. What is the start state? b. What is the set of acceptable states? c. What is the formal definition for this DFA? d. Does the machine accept the string aabb? e. What a language that this DFA will accept? 2. Convert the DFA from problem #1 into a regular expression. 3. Can a DFA be created that recognizes the language abncan?Explain your rationale. 4. Given the context-free grammar below, answer the following questions. {WORD} ? {SPACE}{LETTERS}{SPACE} {SPACE} ?“ “ {LETTERS} ? {LETTERS}{LETTER} | {LETTER} {LETTER} ? A | B | C | a | b | c a. What is the formal definition of this context-free grammar? b. Provide 2 strings accepted by this grammar and one that will not be accepted. 5. When is a context-free grammar in Chomsky normal form? Is the CFG in question #4 in Chomsky normal form? 6. Compare a pushdown automata (PDA) with a finite automaton (what is the key difference)? 7. Provide the formal definition of a PDA that recognizes the language {0nan|n >= 3} 8. Present the formal definition for a Turing machine that recognizes the following language L: {anbn| n is an even positive whole number} 9. Provide an example of Big-O notation for a linear searching algorithm. 10. Provide an example of a Class P problem and explain why it is Class P problem. 11. Provide an example of a Class NP problem and explain why it is a Class NP problem. 12. Contrast Class P and Class NP problems. 13. Explain how SPACE can also be a limiting factor in performing calculations. 14. Provide an example of a tractable problem. 15. Provide an example of an intractable problem and explain why it is intractable. No examples may duplicate examples provided in the textbook.