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Media and Public Policy

On the eve of the official launch date of the Obama vs. Romney presidential campaign, regular television programming was interrupted by a Breaking News bulletin from CNN. CNN correspondent Anderson Cooper announced that President Obama was about to make an IMPORTANT statement to the American public. Shortly thereafter, the President walked to the presidential podium […]

Dutch Herring, Technology, and International Trade in the Seventeenth Century.

Around 300 words. need cited the source used Please read: – Richard W. Unger, “Dutch Herring, Technology, and International Trade in the Seventeenth Century,’ The Journal of Economic History, Vol. 40, No. 2 (Jun., 1980), pp. 253-280, available in the Readings Folder on JSTOR at:, and – Wiebe E. Bijker, “The Oosterschelde Storm Surge Barrier: […]

General principles of sensory systems

You may have heard the brain teaser, sometimes a favorite among philosophers, “If a tree falls in the forest, and there is no one (and no animal) there to hear it, was there a sound ” Your task in this conference topic is to answer this question after having read the lecture on General Principles […]

Early intervention and treatment of alcohol abuse disorder using SBIRT

Order Description Screening and Brief Intervention or Referral to Treatment (S-BIRT) In this unit you will create a voice over power point presentation regarding your SBIRT experience. APA format is expected. This is an exercise combining screening for harmful drug or alcohol use, with a brief intervention using Motivational Interviewing and referrals for follow up […]