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Civilians at war

Civilians at war The Research Paper must include: 1,500 minimum word count. Argumentative, specific thesis statement. Minimum of 5 sources used, which must include at least 2 primary & 2 secondary sources (LIBRARY ONLY). Proper Chicago Manual of Style formatted, footnoted bibliographical citations & captions. No Grammatical/spelling mistakes. Good Quality of overall narrative structure/organization. Contains […]

Topic: SPSS

Order Description For this assignment you have to use the attached output: It’s a multiple regression involving grandmothers who are the primary caregivers for their grandchildren. ImpCESDTot = grandmother depression Aged Age in years = grandmother age ImpOASISTot = grandmother anxiety SDQ Prosocial = Grandchild good behavior Sf12HealthReport = grandmother health For each of these […]

International Relations

Paper details:Full Question – Use a Word table like the one below to contrast US national security policy toward Europe with its policy toward China following WW II. Consider comparative factors such as priorities, alliances, forces, and so on. APA style referencing with in-text citation and page numbers.

Microsoft SQL Server on Linux will improve sql server

Microsoft SQL Server on Linux will improve sql server Paper details: I need an outline. I am looking for an arguable business case paper on adopting SQL Server 2016 for Linux. Argument must include 40 sources with a few which must be against the idea.